• Dr. Kari K. Taylor

    Kari K Taylor, PhD

    Kari Taylor, PhD is a psychologist trained in somatic experiencing and numerous other evidenced based and holistic therapies. She has worked with people who have experienced trauma, mood disorders, and PTSD for over 25 years. She worked for 9 years as a psychologist at the Veteran's Administration to shift veterans beyond the holdings of intensely traumatic situations into accessing their spiritual gifts and life purpose. She's a bringer of a whole new way to be living Heaven on Earth, right here, right now.  She is a thought leader, ceremonialist, and creator of new paradigms. She channels light language, works with the elements specifically the water, and walks as a Goddess of joy, play, and freedom. She enjoys collaborating with other way showers to create opportunities to create and apply spiritual teachings to live Heaven on Earth in the everyday. It brings her great joy to apply various vibrations and tools to create an extraordinary life. She is currently a leader in creating new mental health paradigms. Many of her clients are receiving significant downloads and reach out for support in their integration with their physical body. Her clients are also ready to connect with others who are having similar experiences. Sign up for her newsletter and join her weekly group Co-creating Living Heaven on Earth Tribe.